Thursday, 6 April 2017

Safe Cycling

We are learning to write using simple, compound and complex sentences. We need to use punctuation correctly. We also need to use the correct spelling and the right tense.

Safe Cycling

On Tuesday the fourth of April Room 2 had safe cycling to learn about road safety. We were taught be Constable Jos and Constable Terry. They taught us all day about safety on the road while cycling.

Constable Jos first taught us about an “M” check on a bike, other facts about safety and stories about bike safety. We all did an “M” check on our bikes. An “M” check checks every part of your bike and we also had to point out any faults on them if there were any. We also got taught important facts about road safety before we practiced some basic road safety rules on our court.

Then on the court we got taught about important things while we were biking. We got told always look over your right shoulder to look back, to raise your right arm up to indicate you are about to stop and that you indicate which way you are going for three seconds with your arm. We then had a track set up with cones you have to zigzag through, ramps you go over and also riding over a wooden ladder. We went over that course a few times as well.

We then went out on the road and had to go on a course that parents and teachers were supervising as we went on it. We had to stay a metre away from the gutter while cycling, give arm indications when turning and stopping and also watching for cars driving past. We all got made to put on something that was orange with a number on it, also it had straps to hold it on. We all got in order in our numbers and got let to bike one by one. We even had Constable Terry watching us bike while she was in a police truck. We also learnt road rules for when we are at a intersection.

That day we all learnt very important facts and must-do’s for when we go cycling and it was a really fun and great day.

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