Tuesday, 11 April 2017

Top Team

We are learning to write using simple, compound and complex sentences. We need to use punctuation correctly. We also need to use the correct spelling and the right tense.

Top Team

On Wednesday the fifth of April Room 2 and most of Room 4 went to the Top Team games at Paroa School. We left at around ten past twelve and got there around twelve twenty five. All the schools that were there were Paroa, Kumara, Kororo and Blaketown. There were fourteen games in total and we all had our own teams.

The first game my team played was fill the pipe were team members fill up a pipe and the other team members have to cover the holes in the pipe. The aim of the game is to get the ball to the top of the pipe. There was another one where we had a bucket with holes in it and one person had to go across a course with the bucket on a stand that you hold. Then you have to put the bucket in a container at the end of the course.

There was also memory maze where you had to step on the correct block otherwise you go back of the line and another team member tries. We also had a game where we had to hold hands and get a hula hoop around in the order you get told. Also another game was the sack race and four people had to hop in a sack and get to the end and back to get as many points as possible.

Another game was the conveyor belt where we had to move in a conveyor belt shaped piece of plastic and walk to the end and back as many times as your team can. Then there was a game called hoop toss where your team can earn points by throwing a hula hoop on a stand. We got a few points on that one.

There was another difficult game that had to do with timing. It had giant ski’s and your team had to stand in them and move along together. I was giving out calls to move on a side but it was still difficult. It was a really fun day and I enjoyed it a lot.

Thursday, 6 April 2017

Duffy Visitor

We are learning to write using simple, compound and complex sentences. We need to use punctuation correctly. We also need to use the correct spelling and the right tense.

The first thing Diana talked about was Stingrays and she had three stingers from them with her. We got told stories about them and facts about them. We then got told  about the crocodile man and she said that he died because a Stingray's stinger went through his heart. Also a Stingray’s worst predator is an Orca. We also got shown a Horseshoe Crab shell and she talked about horseshoe crabs.
Duffy Visitor
On Wednesday the fifth of April we had a duffy visitor at our school that talked about facts of wildlife, marine life and other things as well. Her name was Diana Queenin and she was here for about an hour talking and handed out duffy books as well.

She also had a shedded snake skin from an Egyptian Cobra. We got told facts about snakes and she said she had to wait nearly all day for the snake to shed it’s skin. Also she talked about snakes using jaw dislocation for eating their prey. They first wrap around their prey and tighten around them squishing them and then they dislocate their jaw and wrap around your head and start jaw walking. Jaw walking is when snakes walk with their jaw when it is dislocated and they move one jaw down at a time. Then when they reach your shoulders they dislocate their jaws more and keep walking down to swallow you whole.

Then she showed us a geode and a piece of quartz crystal. She told us about geodes and quartz. We got told that quartz takes a long time to develope and the cave they grow is hot.Then she brought out some fossils of an ammonite. They were around for many years but died out quite a long time ago.There used to be a lot in the oceans many years ago. Also she talked about Trilobites. She then handed a rock to somebody and then about a minute later she said it was dinosaur poop. It was around fifty two million years old.
Then she handed out duffy books to the school and packed up and then she left. It was quite an interesting day.

Safe Cycling

We are learning to write using simple, compound and complex sentences. We need to use punctuation correctly. We also need to use the correct spelling and the right tense.

Safe Cycling

On Tuesday the fourth of April Room 2 had safe cycling to learn about road safety. We were taught be Constable Jos and Constable Terry. They taught us all day about safety on the road while cycling.

Constable Jos first taught us about an “M” check on a bike, other facts about safety and stories about bike safety. We all did an “M” check on our bikes. An “M” check checks every part of your bike and we also had to point out any faults on them if there were any. We also got taught important facts about road safety before we practiced some basic road safety rules on our court.

Then on the court we got taught about important things while we were biking. We got told always look over your right shoulder to look back, to raise your right arm up to indicate you are about to stop and that you indicate which way you are going for three seconds with your arm. We then had a track set up with cones you have to zigzag through, ramps you go over and also riding over a wooden ladder. We went over that course a few times as well.

We then went out on the road and had to go on a course that parents and teachers were supervising as we went on it. We had to stay a metre away from the gutter while cycling, give arm indications when turning and stopping and also watching for cars driving past. We all got made to put on something that was orange with a number on it, also it had straps to hold it on. We all got in order in our numbers and got let to bike one by one. We even had Constable Terry watching us bike while she was in a police truck. We also learnt road rules for when we are at a intersection.

That day we all learnt very important facts and must-do’s for when we go cycling and it was a really fun and great day.