Activity 1: Popular Culture – The Silent Movie
I am unable to do this activity as it is restricted on my Chromebook.
Activity 2: Art Deco
I give the painting a rate of 4 out of 5. I give it this rating because I feel like there is something missing from it that it needs, but I am unsure what it is.
Tuesday, 26 December 2017
Monday, 25 December 2017
Summer Learning Journey Week 2 Day 1 Activities
Activity 1: St Joseph’s Cathedral
Location: Amiens, France
When it was built: 12th century
How long it took to build: Around 50 years.
Activity 2: The Right to Vote
I think it was unfair that women were not allowed to vote in Saudi Arabia. I think this because I think everyone should have the right to vote. Also because without the votes of women there wont be many votes as well so there would be an easier chance of a vote being passed.
Bonus Activity: In Flanders Fields
I think this poem is very sad but captures memories of our ANZAC soldiers. Also I think this poem sounds amazing if it is sung.
Friday, 22 December 2017
Summer Learning Journey Day 5 Activites
Activity 1: Translating Phrases
Nau mai ki Aotearoa - Welcome to New Zealand
Blake is my name - Ko Blake toku ingoaWhat is your name? - He aha to ingoa?
He pai taku ki te takaro i te whutupaoro - I like to play rugby.
Where do you come from? - No hea koe?
Activity 2: The Treaty of Waitangi
Three Fun things:
1. Learn about Maori culture.
2. Watch live Kapa Haka performences.
3. Take a tour along the Waitangi River.
My favorite activity to do:
Taking a tour along the Waitangi River.
Bonus Activity: #EarnTheFern
Four Questions:
1. What was it like competing in the Commonwealth Games?
2. How hard did you have to train?
3. Was it a difficult challenge?
4. How did you fell after it?
Thursday, 21 December 2017
Summer Learning Journey Day 4 Activities
Activity 1: The Waiata - A Song in Your Heart
My favorite Waiata is Rona. This is my favorite because this is one of my favorite Waiata I learned at my school. It is also my favorite because I find the story of Rona very interesting. These are my two main reasons on why it is my favorite Waiata. Also when it is sung right it sounds amazing.
Activity 2: Playing Games
Chosen game:
Poi Rakau
Goal of the game:
To improve hand-eye coordination and gain confidence in using a rakau or Taiaha.
Two of the rules:
1. If the person passes with their right hand, the catcher must catch with their left hand and then pass to the person to the left of them, then that person passes back to the middle.
2. Only one person in the middle of the group.
Bonus Activity: Musical Festivals – Matatini
1st place: Te Puku o Te Ika
This performance was the best by far. I liked everything about it, their formation, singing and actions.
2nd place: Te Iti Kahurangi
This performance I liked most things except that at the beginning it was difficult to hear due to quietness in the performance.
3rd place: Tamatea Arikinui at Te Matatini
This performance was good but at one point they went out of sync with their actions and it didn't seem right.
Wednesday, 20 December 2017
Summer Learning Journey Day 3 Activities
Activity One: The More, The Merrier?
No I would not like to be part of such a large family. My reasoning behind this has a lot of reasons. For instance having a large family means there is more people in the house to annoy you. Also it would mean you would have to share a room with your other siblings and would have barely any space to put anything. Also other siblings would take each others things.
No I would not like to be part of such a large family. My reasoning behind this has a lot of reasons. For instance having a large family means there is more people in the house to annoy you. Also it would mean you would have to share a room with your other siblings and would have barely any space to put anything. Also other siblings would take each others things.
Activity 2: Acknowledging Ancestry
I apologies because I was unable to complete a couple pieces of the Pepeha.
Ko Mount Cook te maunga
Ko Grey River te awa
Ko Nga Tahu te waka
Ko Arahura tōku marae
Ko Greymouth ahau
Ko Sarah rāua ko David ōku mātua
Ko Blake tōku ingoa.
Bonus Activity: Fun Family Facts
Two favorite things to do in summer:
Blackberry picking.
Finish white-bait season. (Preferably to catch a lot on the last day too)
Two fun facts:
Used to break-in race horses and run in the Harrier's Club.
Had eight acres of land in Reefton. In this land she owned sixty four Ewes, a three hundred and fifty pound Sow, fifteen Saanen goats, forty laying hens, two cattle beasts, two acre orchard and thirty eight Peking ducks.
Bonus Fact:
In summer times she used to raise around forty Bobby calfs and around thirty-forty Lambs, she did this over several years.
Two favorite things to do in summer:
Fishing with me.
Going for walks on trails.
Two fun facts:
When she was my age (13) she was in a school band.
She likes to sing at karaoke.
Two favorite things to do in summer:
Likes to take her dog for a walk.
Likes going driving.
Two fun facts:
Likes to have water fights.
Hand feeds kittens.
Tuesday, 19 December 2017
Summer Learning Journey Day 2 Activities
Activity One: A House Or A Home?
1. Both the Wharepuni and houses have some time of flooring.
2. They both had enough room to sleep.
1. Wharepuni were made from timber, rushes, tree ferns and bark, with a earth floor and a thatched roof. While now houses are made of wood, bricks, wooden or other type of flooring and a metal roof.
2. Wharepuni were typically made into a rectangular shape, now houses are made into a random shape.
Activity Two: The Rules Of Engagment
My dream job in the form of a picture:
As you can see the box above is blank, this is due to me not having a dream job. I have learned over time that it is best to stay open minded to any job and not select a dream one until later in life when I have a rough idea what I would like to do.
1. Both the Wharepuni and houses have some time of flooring.
2. They both had enough room to sleep.
1. Wharepuni were made from timber, rushes, tree ferns and bark, with a earth floor and a thatched roof. While now houses are made of wood, bricks, wooden or other type of flooring and a metal roof.
2. Wharepuni were typically made into a rectangular shape, now houses are made into a random shape.
Activity Two: The Rules Of Engagment
My dream job in the form of a picture:
As you can see the box above is blank, this is due to me not having a dream job. I have learned over time that it is best to stay open minded to any job and not select a dream one until later in life when I have a rough idea what I would like to do.
Bonus Activity: Special Meals
My special meal is oven cooked meat lovers pizza. This is my favourite meal because it contains several types of meat and multiple sauces. Also it is my favourite meal because it tastes amazing.
Monday, 18 December 2017
Three Facts I Learned About The Maori Legend Maui (Summer Learning Journey Day 1)
Fact 1. I learned that Maui said a Karakia to help him and his brothers catch fish.
Fact 2. Maui covered his hook in his own blood because his brothers wouldn't give him any bait to fish.
Fact 3. Maui caught one of the biggest fish of their time, despite what his brother's said and told him to cut the line because the fish was dragging their canoe out further into the ocean.
These are the three facts I have learned about Maui.
Fact 2. Maui covered his hook in his own blood because his brothers wouldn't give him any bait to fish.
Fact 3. Maui caught one of the biggest fish of their time, despite what his brother's said and told him to cut the line because the fish was dragging their canoe out further into the ocean.
These are the three facts I have learned about Maui.
Wednesday, 27 September 2017
Orana Park Thank You
This is my slide that I made to thank Orana Park for taking us around the zoo and showing us all the animals.
Tuesday, 1 August 2017
Sir Peter Blake Award
Today I was proud to accept the Sir Peter Blake Award. This award isn't presented very often at my school and it was an amazing experience to receive this award.
Wednesday, 21 June 2017
Constellations Link
Here is a link to my presentation about constellations.
Monday, 12 June 2017
Wednesday, 17 May 2017
World War 1 Story
At school we have been writing stories of World War 1. This is my second story I wrote.
Then on November 11th 1918 the war ended. The winners were our Allies. Through all these years children had to struggle without other family members around. But they made it through everything. They kept in contact with their family in the war and sent them biscuits and warm socks that they knitted. The children waited for their family to get back but some of them didn’t come home.
World War 1
Life as a child in World War 1 wasn’t easy. They had many duties to do as their loved ones went away to fight at war. They had to do extra work and all the jobs their family did before they left. Nobody predicted it was going to happen. Then on the 28th of July 1914 the war had begun.
It started off as a local war between Austria-Hungary and Serbia. Then it involved 32 countries in the fight. Our Allies included Britain, France, Russia, Italy and the United States. Our Allies fought against the Central Powers that included Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria.
Then on June 28th Archduke Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary was assassinated by a Serbian soldier. After the assassination Austria declared war on Serbia. Then a few days later Germany had declared war on Russia and then on France.
The war progressed and countries starting taking sides and fought against each other. More countries starting joining the war and it progressed to having 32 countries.
Then after the war had grown larger and larger the United States entered the war against Germany on April 6th 1917. They entered the war because Germain’s were sinking ships that had Americans on board.
Then on November 11th 1918 the war ended. The winners were our Allies. Through all these years children had to struggle without other family members around. But they made it through everything. They kept in contact with their family in the war and sent them biscuits and warm socks that they knitted. The children waited for their family to get back but some of them didn’t come home.
Here is a screencastfy of me reading the story
World War 1 Story
At school we have been writing stories of World War 1. This is my first story that I wrote.
World War 1
World War 1
Bob’s Brother left for war a year ago and they try to stay in contact as much as possible. Bob was only 8 when his Brother Jim left. Jim had just turned 18 when he went to war. Bob had no clue that Jim was going to leave because he left in the silence of the night. Bob never got to say goodbye.
To this day they have been writing letters to each other. They never spare a detail of what is happening around them. Jim tells his little Brother about a lot of things that happen and Bob gets excited every time he gets a letter from Jim. Today Bob opened his latest letter from him.
Dear Bob,
Life is getting harder here at war, the food rations are getting smaller and are clothes are getting worn out. Are army is getting smaller and so is the enemies. We are very cold and staying dry is impossible. We are still getting there though and each day we are lucky to be survive the bullets. We are getting reinforcements tomorrow and more weapons, which means more gunfire. We have grown to the sound of guns and don’t mind the ear shattering sound. We don’t mind much here except the rats. We try to shoot them but they move quickly and somehow they keep getting into the food supply. Sorry for the short letter I am hearing gun fire so I must go.
Bob was happy that he got the letter from Jim but he was concerned about him. It sounded like it was really bad over there and James was scared that he wouldn’t see his brother again, he had to do something. That's when he started baking food to send over with his next letter.
As Bob was busy doing work, Jim was struggling over at war. The Americans had just entered the war and the rations got even smaller. The war had been going for three years, Jim had been there two. He was tired a lot more lately as the enemies increased in size. He hadn’t eaten in two days and felt very sick. Jim’s favourite time of day was when it became dark and he got to sleep, unless he was keeping watch, which only lasted half an hour as the shifts changed.
Back at home Bob had baked biscuits and his whole family had knitted warm clothes and a blanket. When everyone finished Bob went to his room which he used to share with Jim, and started writing a letter.
Dear Jim,
I hope you aren’t hurt over there, we are all hoping you return soon and the war ends. We heard the Americans had just entered the war and are helping you win. I hope you like the biscuits and the warm clothing we all made. We have been busy at work here and there is a lot to do. We got some chickens this week so we could have eggs for breakfast. We will save you some for when you get home. I hope I get a letter from you soon.
As soon as Bob had finished the letter he packed it with the clothes and biscuits and sent it to Jim. As the time went by the brothers shared many things through their letters and they never spared a detail. Then on the 11th of November 1918, Jim returned home.
Here is a screencastify of me reading the story
Monday, 15 May 2017
Composite Number
In class we had to choose a subject from maths to make into a poster and I chose a Composite Number.
Tuesday, 11 April 2017
Top Team
We are learning to write using simple, compound and complex sentences. We need to use punctuation correctly. We also need to use the correct spelling and the right tense.
Top Team
On Wednesday the fifth of April Room 2 and most of Room 4 went to the Top Team games at Paroa School. We left at around ten past twelve and got there around twelve twenty five. All the schools that were there were Paroa, Kumara, Kororo and Blaketown. There were fourteen games in total and we all had our own teams.
The first game my team played was fill the pipe were team members fill up a pipe and the other team members have to cover the holes in the pipe. The aim of the game is to get the ball to the top of the pipe. There was another one where we had a bucket with holes in it and one person had to go across a course with the bucket on a stand that you hold. Then you have to put the bucket in a container at the end of the course.
There was also memory maze where you had to step on the correct block otherwise you go back of the line and another team member tries. We also had a game where we had to hold hands and get a hula hoop around in the order you get told. Also another game was the sack race and four people had to hop in a sack and get to the end and back to get as many points as possible.
Another game was the conveyor belt where we had to move in a conveyor belt shaped piece of plastic and walk to the end and back as many times as your team can. Then there was a game called hoop toss where your team can earn points by throwing a hula hoop on a stand. We got a few points on that one.
There was another difficult game that had to do with timing. It had giant ski’s and your team had to stand in them and move along together. I was giving out calls to move on a side but it was still difficult. It was a really fun day and I enjoyed it a lot.
Thursday, 6 April 2017
Duffy Visitor
We are learning to write using simple, compound and complex sentences. We need to use punctuation correctly. We also need to use the correct spelling and the right tense.
On Wednesday the fifth of April we had a duffy visitor at our school that talked about facts of wildlife, marine life and other things as well. Her name was Diana Queenin and she was here for about an hour talking and handed out duffy books as well.
Then she showed us a geode and a piece of quartz crystal. She told us about geodes and quartz. We got told that quartz takes a long time to develope and the cave they grow is hot.Then she brought out some fossils of an ammonite. They were around for many years but died out quite a long time ago.There used to be a lot in the oceans many years ago. Also she talked about Trilobites. She then handed a rock to somebody and then about a minute later she said it was dinosaur poop. It was around fifty two million years old.Then she handed out duffy books to the school and packed up and then she left. It was quite an interesting day.
The first thing Diana talked about was Stingrays and she had three stingers from them with her. We got told stories about them and facts about them. We then got told about the crocodile man and she said that he died because a Stingray's stinger went through his heart. Also a Stingray’s worst predator is an Orca. We also got shown a Horseshoe Crab shell and she talked about horseshoe crabs.
Duffy Visitor
She also had a shedded snake skin from an Egyptian Cobra. We got told facts about snakes and she said she had to wait nearly all day for the snake to shed it’s skin. Also she talked about snakes using jaw dislocation for eating their prey. They first wrap around their prey and tighten around them squishing them and then they dislocate their jaw and wrap around your head and start jaw walking. Jaw walking is when snakes walk with their jaw when it is dislocated and they move one jaw down at a time. Then when they reach your shoulders they dislocate their jaws more and keep walking down to swallow you whole.
Then she showed us a geode and a piece of quartz crystal. She told us about geodes and quartz. We got told that quartz takes a long time to develope and the cave they grow is hot.Then she brought out some fossils of an ammonite. They were around for many years but died out quite a long time ago.There used to be a lot in the oceans many years ago. Also she talked about Trilobites. She then handed a rock to somebody and then about a minute later she said it was dinosaur poop. It was around fifty two million years old.Then she handed out duffy books to the school and packed up and then she left. It was quite an interesting day.
Safe Cycling
We are learning to write using simple, compound and complex sentences. We need to use punctuation correctly. We also need to use the correct spelling and the right tense.
Safe Cycling
Safe Cycling
On Tuesday the fourth of April Room 2 had safe cycling to learn about road safety. We were taught be Constable Jos and Constable Terry. They taught us all day about safety on the road while cycling.
Constable Jos first taught us about an “M” check on a bike, other facts about safety and stories about bike safety. We all did an “M” check on our bikes. An “M” check checks every part of your bike and we also had to point out any faults on them if there were any. We also got taught important facts about road safety before we practiced some basic road safety rules on our court.
Then on the court we got taught about important things while we were biking. We got told always look over your right shoulder to look back, to raise your right arm up to indicate you are about to stop and that you indicate which way you are going for three seconds with your arm. We then had a track set up with cones you have to zigzag through, ramps you go over and also riding over a wooden ladder. We went over that course a few times as well.
We then went out on the road and had to go on a course that parents and teachers were supervising as we went on it. We had to stay a metre away from the gutter while cycling, give arm indications when turning and stopping and also watching for cars driving past. We all got made to put on something that was orange with a number on it, also it had straps to hold it on. We all got in order in our numbers and got let to bike one by one. We even had Constable Terry watching us bike while she was in a police truck. We also learnt road rules for when we are at a intersection.
That day we all learnt very important facts and must-do’s for when we go cycling and it was a really fun and great day.
Wednesday, 15 March 2017
Thursday, 9 March 2017
Monday, 6 March 2017
Tuesday, 14 February 2017
Thursday, 2 February 2017
Memoir Writing
The date was November 19 2010,It was just a normal ordinary warm Friday. Everyone woke up,had their breakfast,did the usual thing. Children went to school,Parents went to work. Everyone in the and around the Grey District had a normal day.But then out of nowhere,at 3:45 pm. We all heard a loud BOOM!!!
Then dead silence,but only for a few seconds. Then the sirens start going off. They all head towards the explosion. Nobody found out until later that the explosion was the Pike River Mine. There was a major gas leak and the mine exploded with the workers inside.
Pike River Mine was one of the last coal mines around the South Island. It was business for quite a few people too. It supplied the West Coast and other places around the South Island with coal. But that was until it came to that terrible day on Friday 19 November.
Only a couple of the workers got out and survived. But most of them died in the mine. The explosion affected the whole community. Everyone was shocked about the explosion and didn’t want to believe that it happened.
The mine has been sealed to this day with the workers still trapped inside. The owner of the mine sealed it with concrete. He doesn’t want it to open. There are many families fighting against his decision because they don’t want their family sealed in the mine.
What I learnt from all of this was that working in mines is never safe because anything can happen. Working in mines is a gamble with your life.
Portrait Poem
Portrait Poem
My hair is like long strings of brown cotton flowing down to my neck.
My eyes are like a security camera observing everything in sight.
My legs are like a giraffe standing amongst the tall green trees.
My brain is like a ticking time bomb ready to explode with thoughts and ideas.
My heart is like a big red cushion that wants to comfort people.
My feet are big like a clown with long red shoes.
My cheeks are red like a ripe apple straight from a tree.
My ears are like a Greater Wax Moth listening amazingly
Work your hardest and try your best.
Live every day to the fullest and smile.
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