This is my recount about my holidays in the life of a shoe.
WALT:Write a proper recount with descriptive paragraphs.Our recounts must have a title,Orientation with who,what,when,where and why.A middle with the events in order and a ending conclusion.
We have been working on symmetry in our classroom lately and have made things symmetrical.
This is what I have made so far.
Tuesday, 13 September 2016
WALT:Make posters that are easily read and have a clear message. My fitness progress is really good this year.I can now run a lot more distance than I used to be able to and that is because of running and doing jump jam at school.I have got better at swimming by practicing more and more.My next steps are to get even better at balance,but I am quite good now.
Friday, 9 September 2016
WALT: Write and deliver an effective speech.
This is my recording of my speech of Technology taking over the world.
Tuesday, 6 September 2016
This is a poster that took a while to make about the Modern Olympics.I hope you like it.
This is a poster I have created about the Ancient Olympics.I hope you like it.
Friday, 12 August 2016
This is my recount about going to Shantytown with the school.Please click on it to read it.
Monday, 25 July 2016
This is my poster about teamwork.I hope you enjoy it.
Monday, 4 July 2016
This is a poster for a book called true stories:tales of heroism.Please click on the poster to read it.Enjoy.
Thursday, 30 June 2016
This is my mask that I have made and everyone else in the classroom made their own.
Monday, 27 June 2016
This is how to make a bottle vase.
This is my survival backpack of what I would take in a emergency.
Wednesday, 22 June 2016
This is my story and it is called The Runaway.I hope you like it.You will have to click on it to read it.
Monday, 20 June 2016
This is my learning poster on what can make me better at being successful.I hope you like it.
This is a presentation of my time at Christchurch NYLD. (National Young Leaders Day).I hope you like it.These are my favorite speakers that were there.
Here is a poster for a really good book called The Lord Of Beasts.
This is another poster for the book Cool Nukes.It is a really good book.I hope you like the poster.
This is my reading poster for a book called Rangers Apprentice:The Early Years:The Tournament At Gorlan.This is a really good book and is one of the best I have ever read.I hope you like my poster.
This is my mihi. I hope you enjoy it.
Monday, 13 June 2016
Hello I am a new blogger and I am trying out posting new things.This is a new experience for me in my learning and I hope you enjoy my blog.